Type Soul codes January 2025
How to redeem Type Soul codes in Roblox.
Type Soul is a Roblox adventure game inspired by the anime series Bleach. In this game, you’ll customize your character, run around an expansive and detailed world, and master a complex combat system that’s tricky (yet rewarding) to get the hang of while fighting other players.
Especially against players with higher ranks, combat in Type Soul can be pretty tricky, and more often than not, you’ll find yourself dying a lot. Luckily, you can redeem Type Soul codes to stock up on free goodies like Locked Clan Rerolls, Locked Weapon Rerolls, and Locked Element Rerolls, all of which will let you customize your character to your liking (and let you better prepare for those tricky fights that you just can’t seem to win).
Type Soul’s development team normally shares these codes in the game’s official Discord server, but we’ve gone ahead and rounded up every current and expired Type Soul code right here so you can get right back to fighting. We've also got details on how to redeem codes in Type Soul in case you're not sure how that works.
All working Type Soul codes
Here are all the working Type Soul codes as of 7th January 2025:
- 8by2typejole: 10 Locked World Ticket, 10 Spirit Box, 10 Mask Reroll, 20 Face Reroll, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 30 Locked Element Reroll, 2 Skill Box Chooser, 2 Red Elixir, 10 Hollow Box, 2 Hierro Plating, 5 Locked Buddy Trait Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 15 Mouth Reroll, 2 Locked Blue Elixir
- mahoragathosewhoknow: 25 Locked Element Reroll, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 10 Spirit Box, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 10 Hollow Boxes, 3 Ties, 5 Mini Qincy Hat, 15 Eye Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Face Reroll, 1 Locked World Ticket, 20 Mask Reroll
- whodathuh: 1 Shinigami Beads
- whocareswhatthenameis: 25 Locked Clan Reroll, 30 Eyecolor Reroll, 2 Red Elixir, 30 Marking Reroll, 10 Locked Buddy Trait Reroll, 30 Eyes Reroll, 35 Locked Weapon Reroll, 1 SlimLua, 2 Locked World Ticket, 30 Mask Reroll, 2 Blue Elixir, 2 Skill Box Chooser, 1 Custom Bank, 20 Spirit Box, 1 Black Elixir, 50 Locked Element Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 20 Hollow Box, 1 Locked Custom Clothing Token, 30 Mouth Reroll, 25 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 30 Face Reroll, 1 Black Sternritter Cloak
- spendingthanksgivingontype: 1 Soul Ticket, 50 Locked Element Reroll, 10 Shikai Callout Reroll, 15 Sword Color Reroll, 25 Marking Reroll, 5 Cybernetics Rox, 20 Eyes Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 5 Innerworld Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket, 15 Mask Reroll, 5 Hit/Handle Reroll, 25 Face Reroll, 5 Hollow Box, 10 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 15 Locked Clan Reroll, 5 Spirit Box
- ohioframesperskibidi: 2 Locked World Ticket, 25 Eyes Reroll, 15 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 5 Locked Clan Reroll, 5 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 40 Locked Element Reroll
- wasitworthit: 15 Locked Element Reroll, 15 Locked Weapon Reroll, 5 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 10 Locked Clan Reroll
- didntyousaynoupdtonight: 25 Eyecolor Reroll, 10 Hollow Box, 20 Eyes Reroll, 5 Arrancar Gehenna Beads, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 10 Mask Reroll, 2 Hierro Plating, 5 Star Pendant, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 20 Locked Clan Reroll, 2 Locked World Ticket, 25 Mouth Reroll, 25 Face Reroll, 10 Spirit Box
- youaremyspecialbuddy: 1 Skill Box Chooser, 2 Red Elixir, 30 Locked Element Reroll, 25 Eyecolor Reroll, 5 Shinigami Gehenna Beads, 1 Black Elixir, 30 Face Reroll, 25 Eyes Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 35 Mouth Reroll, 1 Purple Elixir, 2 Blue Elixir, 15 Locked Clan Reroll
- miniupdatewowawesome: 1 Soul Ticket, 20 Eyecolor Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 25 Spirit Box, 25 Hollow Box, 25 Appearance Reroll, 30 Locked Weapon Reroll, 40 Locked Element Reroll
- no1amupdate: 1 Locked World Ticket, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Locked Clan Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll
- flowerfinally: 35 Locked Weapon Reroll, 50 Locked Element Reroll
- gutteddodgevariantgobrrr: 10 Vastocar/Visored Variant Reroll, 40 Locked Element Reroll, 40 Locked Weapon Reroll
- quickcodeforcodesocodeyescodehowcodewithcode: 1 Locked World Ticket, 1 Locked Soul Ticket, 2 Red Elixir, 2 Blue Elixir, 15 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 25 Spirit Box, 25 Hollow Box, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll, 30 Mouth Reroll, 35 Eye Color Reroll, 35 Face Reroll
- mythoughtsonthislater: 1 Mark of the Dead (Legs), 1 Spectral Crown, 1 Soulfire Halo, 1 Mark of the Dead (Body)
- reallycoolcodehaha: 2 Locked World Ticket, 10 Hair Shade Reroll, 15 Spirit Box, 20 Hollow Box, 45 Locked Weapon Reroll, 50 Locked Element Reroll, 65 Eye Color Reroll, 65 Eyes Reroll, 75 Face Reroll
- whenwedance: 1 Locked World Ticket, 20 Locked Clan Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll, 30 Locked Element Reroll
- wheresmybuddy: 1 Locked Weapon Ticket, 1 Locked Soul Ticket, 15 Clan Reroll, 20 Eye Color Reroll, 20 Eyes Reroll, 25 Locked Element Reroll, 25 Locked Weapon Reroll
- yessirupdatetime: 2 Hierro Plating, 3 Red Elixir, 3 Blue Elixir, 15 Spirit Box, 25 Weapon Appearance Reroll, 40 Locked Weapon Reroll, 50 Locked Element Reroll
All expired Type Soul codes
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswellAGAINTWICE
- higuysdanielhereiaddedacodefrompadocforafriskerwithidkspecialfriskeraswell
- oopswandenexploded
- 500mvisitsthankyou
- noreallythanksfor500m
- letsget500mmore
- ohsnapwaitsnapignis
- thosewhoknowmango
- secretcodethatgives1000rerolls
- weekendgiftorsomething
- anotherbrickedshutdown
- sozforbrick
- 700kwoahthanks
- newrankedrewards3
- avaricecascade
- guesswhosback
- nosrepphakudarework
- tamaonetwothreefour
- sozformobile
- tamapackageone
- newrankedrewards2
- newrankedrewards
- wednesdaypatchesmoreplz
- whoops
- redeem72024
- lockinseason
- ddanielisevil
- lateupdatesareannoying
- pointsplease
- sorryforbank
- stefan10kfollowers
- tamasuigetsu
- tamataisentwo
- rankedplswork
- visionaryrework
- imsorry
- 1kcristi
- yippeweekly
- sorrybugs
- teleportswentdown
- anextracode
- leafystray
- mediarip://souls
- tamaforyoutamaforall
- weloveeduardo
- mre10kfollowers
- sorryfortheshutdowns
- helpeduardosmentalsanity
- itstypesoulfriday
- meditation
- vultures
- apologycode
- wereached400mvisits
- angrycanadian
- classicat600amsaidcodeperoxidedidmygloriouskingdirty
- cowoesorry
- cowoenuovaentvari
- eduardocarrying
- joshnosreppcristi
- happyfortuneentvariblessing
- streamericdoa
- tamayaren
- veil10k
- higuys
- youcanrollraresnow:)
- explodeincident
- tamastrikesagain
- oops
- cctokenfix
- mreessay
- qkidoexpansion
- tamacodesareback
- 200klikeswoah
- bararaqgbincident
- codeforvoonithestrongestsoulispeak
- idontdotheseoften
- reallycooloriginalcodename
- windwake
- newbosseswow
- blazblueincident
- doomaroomeneverexisted
- latenightbruh
- whereiskendoweapondude
- latenightfightnight
- cristiqol
- whatdoesheevendo
- 300mvisits
- thegreattypesoultrellolieisrealtyfor10kbtw
- nuovarandomcode
- tama62121
- cristi10k
- tamarandomcode
- timetravellermistake
- therewasnotruebankaiinthefirstplace
- gokuvsvegetasupersaiyanrapbattlebegin
- thisisnotsigma
- causethatstheupdateineed
- ermwhatthetypesoul
- yurrrrlistenman
- thereisnosuchthing
- tweakinpostupdate
- hellopiety
- abracadabra
- hqrsepowered
- arrogantecristi5k
- 2weekdelaywoah
- putthesefoolishambitionstorest
- imnotnamingitthat
- 500kdiscmemberswoo
- lightningshunkoaftertwoyearslol
- thatoneguyinvcaskedmeforthisonesoblamehim
- quincynerfagainleaveourracealonedude
- readysetboomxdgetitbecauseboomboominokwhateverheresacode
- 7staredwardnewgate
- AllAccordingToCake
- canyougiftmeacinmightyomega
- ineedasacredscrollindemonhuntertm
- petgod101
- code1
- setrohadtoguesswhatthiscodewasnamed
- tamaverified
- brovisitedhisfriends
- 350mvisitsalright
- myrobloxkeepscrashinghelp
- myrobloxneedstostopcrashing
- oopscybers
- ermwhattthetypesoul
- entvari10k
- youdidntexpectheretobeasecondonedidyou
- sorryhopethishelps
- codethatsenkumadecuzhesmakingsomethingtakethisgiftbecauseitsjustasimpleupdate
- setroboominda
- senkuwascloudkageinjoedame
- hakudanerfafter1000years
- theresahiddennpcsomewhere
- cursedgearruinsfriendships
- cyberpoint
- davehashit10kwow
- thekiraeventparttwo
- thekiraevent
- Benihimebuff
- nosreppbestaustraliandeveloperinthewholeworld
- almightyeye
- breathlesspumpkle
- tsugokusenku
- somethingrandom
- canyouwrap
- mobileflashpd
- johnboomingg
- robloxban
- avengerlevelthreat
- threatneutralized
- 100mlikes
- afkworld
- lightsegunda
- robotcowoe
- soulianstreak
- rankedseason2
- balancedbalance
- ididntgetopenedupiliterallyjustgottiredofblocking
- johnbooming
- kamehamehax3
- khaoticyachty
- luisvonmarco
- nuovaprimadon
- pleasegivemererollscodesimliterallystarvingoverhereimstuckwithacid
- supasta
- awesomesauce
- badquincy
- bloodedged
- cowoe10k
- delayedwhoops
- devilgene
- doomatearoom
- drakos10k
- eduardobrg10k
- happyeaster
- khaotic10k
- nuova10k
- nuovalovesquincy
- ohwowcool
- quickshutdown
- quincyktillmybonesdecay
- sorry4ranked3
- sorryfortheinconvenienceee
- spiritgun
- sundayupdate
- woahreal
- joedame
- jayomalawfirm
- 100kfavourites
- 10klikes
- 20klikes
- 35klikes
- 3shikaireroll
- 55klikes
- 80Klikes
- apologyforlate
- championship
- championshipandmasteryboxes
- clanwarupdate
- contentcoming
- eduardobrg
- fixedoldcode
- happyhalloween
- haveagoodday
- latenightupdate
- mainmenufixes
- middayfixes
- midtermsover
- newclangamesoon
- newclanwargame
- newcodeoldbugged
- newgame
- resetclan
- segundanextupdate
- shikaireroll
- shutdownsrry
- slowpace
- soonupdates
- sorryfordelays
- sorryforshutdown
- sorryforthat
- tamaiscool
- thehonoredone
- tradehub
- triplethreat
- tyforfollows
- updatecomingsoon
- watermelon
- weareback
How do I redeem codes in Type Soul?
Not sure how to redeem codes in Type Soul? Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Launch Type Soul in Roblox.
- If you haven’t already, hit 'Play', pick your slot, and create your character.
- Make sure you’re at rank Semi-Grade 2 or higher — you won’t be able to redeem codes before hitting this rank!
- Once you’re in the game, hit the gift box icon button near the top left corner of your screen.
- Enter your code into the field that pops up and hit enter to redeem.


On the hunt for codes for other anime-inspired Roblox games? Head to our guides for titles like Anime Vanguards, Blox Fruits, Anime Last Stand, Anime Fighters, and Shindo Life.